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Speak at a Board Meeting

Who Can Make a Deputation?

Any member of the public, either on his/her own behalf or as a representative of an organization or group, may appear at any public meeting of the Board and make a deputation on a specific item on that month's public agenda in person, in writing, virtually or via a video deputation. Please refer to the meeting calendar for meeting dates and location.

Guidelines for Making a Deputation

Guidelines are in accordance with Section 14 Public Deputations of the Board Procedures policy PSB-AI-001.

  • Deputations related to agenda items are welcome and encouraged.

  • Members of the community interested in making a deputation are requested to contact

  • Deputation requests must include the name, telephone number and email address of the speaker or group, subject matter, copy of any materials that will be presented and a list of individuals who will be appearing before the Board. 

  • Requests to address the Board must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. two (2) business days prior to the public meeting. The Peel Police Services Board office will contact you to confirm your delegation. 

  • Deputations may also be made virtually.

  • Individuals who do not wish to appear in person or virtually, may submit a written deputation.

  • Deputations will be limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes, such a time limit may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.

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